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The New Mithraeum Database

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Your search cabrera de mar gave 6 results.

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo de Cabrera de Mar

    The Roman villa of Can Molodell had a sanctuary that has been related to the cult of Mithras.


  • Monumentum

    Arula by Lucius Petreius of Cabrera de Mar

    Small arula with mithraic inscription and dedication to Cautes from a garlic merchant.


    K(auti) d(eo) / L(ucius) Petre/ius Vic/tor ali/arius / d(eo) K(auti) M(ithrae) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Cilindric arula from Cabrera de Mar

    Two slaves sign this small monument to Cautes.


    K(auti) v(otum) s(olverunt) / Successus / Elaine / Caesaris
  • Liber

    Topoi, volume 11/1 (2001)

    Avant-propos Ce volume comprend, à côté de nombreux comptes rendus, regroupés dans le fascicule 2, une série de dossiers traitant de thèmes chers à la revue (l'Orient hellénisé), ou illustrant une approche pluridisciplinaire. Trois d'entre eux…
  • Locus


    Ituro, now Cabrera de Mar, was an important trading town and the capital of the Laietani, an Iberian people, until Roman times.
  • Syndexios

    Lucius Petreius Victor

    Garlic merchant, probably from Lusitania, who dedicated an altar to Cautes in Tarraconensis.